(Alex Young) Community Blog

I decided to review the blog Blake Is My Homie created by Megan Townley, Ethan Palioca and Maria Castllanos from period 3. I decided to review this blog because I don't know a lot about Blake.

I really like the colors that they chose to create the blog with, but the overall layout is hard to read. If your blog is hard to read some people wont even try to read it they will just leave. The blog is hard to read because there main information is in a narrow column down the center of the screen. Although What really matters is the information that is displayed.

A thing I really like about this blog is that there is a variety of topics including, poems, songs and artwork. I read there analysis of the poems that they chose to go into depth about. I really liked to see how other people my age interpreted the sometimes hard to read and hard to grasp the real meaning of the poems. After reading there analysis of there poems I actually found it much easier to understand the poem and grasp Blake's main idea of the poem. I also enjoyed reading the songs that Blake wrote. I think I liked them just because they were something different than another poem. Having Blake's real artwork and poem on a picture really struck my attention. It is nice to see Blake's actual work that he made.

Overall besides the Blog being a bit hard to read, I found it very helpful and educational. It is a great place to learn about Blake and his work. The blog Blake Is My Homie creates a solid understanding on the poems and songs that were posted.